Codibook uses DHL or other advanced couriers (SF Express, EMS, UPS, FedEx) according to the condition of destinations to provide door-to-door service.
Estimated time & Process of Delivery
After the payment is completed,it usually takes 7~10 business days for whole preparation and delivery.
Estimated time | Process | Status Shown |
Payment completed | Preparing Item | |
2~5Days* | Each Vendor Prepare for the items. | Preparing Item |
2~3 Days | Each Vendor Send the items to Codibook warehouse. | Preparing Shipping (Can not Cancel items at this stage) |
1 Day |
All Items arrive warehouse> |
Preparing Shipping (Can not Cancel items at this stage) |
2~5 Days** | International Shipping+Local Delivery | Out for delivery |
* Please understand that each vendor and product may have different preparation time. If the delay is more than 14 days, you may request a cancellation for delay items in order to speed out the shipping.
**The average delivery period is based on large cities of the destination country, It may be shortened or lengthened depending on customs clearance and transportation schedule.